Gillywater Aquatics Axolotl Care Sheet
(Ambystoma Mexicanum) Axolotls for short, are an aquatic salamander that lives in the water its entire life. It is considered an amphibian, even though it never goes through metamorphosis to make it terrestrial.
Tank Size: One adult axolotl requires at least a 20-gallon tank. Axolotls are addicting! If you plan on having more than one, you must add 10-gallons per additional axolotl. For example, a 50-gallon tank can safely and comfortably house four adult axolotls.
Substrate: Axolotls will swallow anything that fits in their mouths. Gravel, Marbles, pebbles, etc.…. are a huge NO NO! These items can impact your axolotls intestine and eventually lead to death. Substrate isn’t necessary, they are fine without it. If you feel you need it, fine sand is perfectly fine for axolotls four inches and up.
Filtration: We recommend sponge filters. In our experience other types of filters cause greater amounts of water flow and suction that can do harm to your axolotl.
Lighting: Axolotls are not fond of bright lights. If you plan on using lighting, it should only be kept on for a maximum of four hours per day, and hides should be available to your axolotl to get away from the light.
Décor: Axolotls love to hide! Terra cotta pots, pvc pipes, and aquarium décor with no sharp edges all work great. Both plastic and real plants are also good to use.
Water Temp: Axolotls need cold water. Temps between 56-68°F are perfect. Warmer temps can cause stress.
Tank Mates: Axolotls can be housed with other axolotls (no more than an inch difference in length) given the space and size. Axolotls should not be housed with fish other than the acceptable feeders listed below. Keep in mind they will eat whatever they can fit in their mouths, anything bigger can bite the axolotl’s gills.
Juvenile Axolotls: Axolotls younger than 5 months should be fed daily. They can eat daphnia, live brine shrimp, grindal worms, black worms, red wriggler worms, and small pellets. Blood worms can be given as a treat but should not be used as their main diet.
Adult Axolotls: Axolotls over 5 months should be fed every couple of days. They can eat earthworms, red wrigglers, small feeders, and pellets
Accepable feeders – ghost shrimp, nano shrimp, guppies, platys, and mollies
Water Changes
25% water changes should be done weekly.
Spot cleaning with a turkey baster should be done daily or as needed.
A PH of 6.5 to 8 is acceptable range for axolotls.
Ammonia should be 0
Nitrite should be 0
Nitrate should be <40ppm